
Archive for August, 2011

The Fine Art of Money

I put in a search to see what I would get for “oil paint”. There were the usual paintings one would think you’d get and then there were some other images that ranged from sexy women covered in paint to globs of paint and then also pictures of pizza with olive “oil” being poured on to the slices.

But, the most interesting image for me was this one:

The REAL value of money

As you can see, the value is illustrated by goods, services, actions and just about anything you could think of making me think money has a different value for everyone. Yes, it’s exchanged as energy you create by giving some service or product for some of it, but is there another value here?



Will Apple Survive Steve Jobs’s Departure?

The big question of the day seems to be whether or not Apple will survive it’s founders departure.

I’ve read numerous quotes from him over the years and his viewpoints on design, business, creativity and consumer awareness are simple and striking. Here’s one of my favorites;

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

What do you think will happen after Steve leaves Apple? I want to think he’s left some very competent people there to carry on his vision and add some of their own to as well. Based on this leader’s views, I don’t think he’d have inferior staff in his company.
What do you think?????

Back to Art

Well, it’s time to paint again. It’s a very strange thing to be going along and then one day like a bolt of lightning it hits me that I need to create more art.

I’ve decided to do a series of paintings that I’ve had as digital ideas for a few years and stop wondering what I should do next. Just do the art and get back into the “habit” of being a fine artist. That feels like a healthy idea and a very productive thing at this point of my life.

This is the first image I’ll be working on. Let me know what you think. I call it TV-Cows! It’s based on a photo I took in Aruba. This cow sculpture was sitting on top of a restaurant with a antenna sticking out of the top of it. Strangely amusing!


Why is fine art referred to as ‘fine’ art ?

August 21, 2011 1 comment

why is it called “fine” art? I imagine one day a man walked by an artist and looked at his painting and said, “wow, that’s fine, I’ll buy it.”

Why do you think fine art is called fine art and not cool art or real art or nice art?

Who is the coolest person? – Dean Martin

August 17, 2011 2 comments

Just take a break and think about who you think is or was the coolest person that comes to mind.

I was just listening to a couple of Dean Martin tracks and I imagine he must’ve been known around town as one of the coolest guys for so many reasons.

He was a man’s man as well as was always seen with some of the most beautiful women to ever grace our planet.

He drove very cool cars. Sang tunes with the greatest of ease and was very funny. His Variety show was a hit for years and he always seemed to be having the time of his life with his guests and regulars.

Dino in a moment enjoying a smoke and probably listening to a fresh track.

Who is the coolest person you remember?

What Inspires You to Create?

Sometimes I wonder what inspires people to do creative things. Is it going somewhere new? Discussing a topic of great interest to you? Remembering inspiration from the past?

I always seem to get inspired when I see other artist’s work. Going to galleries and seeing something so new and fresh really gets me inspired. The other day I was walking down Ventura Blvd and went into a gallery near Laurel Canyon Blvd and the artist there had a very creative combination of images and typography. For example; a silkscreen of the American Express card with the card name “American Excess” done as the logo on the card. Quite a statement.

Beauty inspires me. People in photographs or paintings or just very aesthetic surroundings.

The Mountains above Park City, Utah

Thank goodness my iPhone takes very good photographs. This was taken from my car.

What inspires you?